
Municipal Equity Policies: Takeaways for planners

In the fall of 2022, INTERACT trainee Tessa Williams, RPP, MCIP and our collaborator Victoria Barr, PhD, Principal at LevelUp Planning Collaborative teamed up to review municipal equity policies across Canada. They share their takeaways for planners in Plan...

Policy Analysis – Research Trainee

PROJECT The INTerventions, Equity, Research and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT) is a CIHR-funded research program evaluating the impact of major urban interventions in four Canadian cities (Victoria, Vancouver, Saskatoon, and Montreal) on population health and health...

Wave 1 results of the INTerventions, Research, and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT) cohort study: Examining spatio-temporal measures for urban environments and health

Abstract Built environment interventions have the potential to improve population health and reduce health inequities. The objective of this paper is to present the first wave of the INTErventions, Research, and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT) cohort studies in...