Health and Equity
If We Build It, Who Will Come? The Case for Attention to Equity in Healthy Community Design
Sones, M., Fuller, D., Kestens, Y., & Winters, M. (2018). If we build it, who will come? The case for attention to equity in healthy community design. British Journal of Sports Medicine, bjsports-2018-099667.
INTERACT: A Comprehensive Approach to Assess Urban Form Interventions through Natural Experiments
Kestens, Y., Winters, M., Fuller, D., Bell, S., Berscheid, J., Brondeel, R., Cantinotti, M., Datta, G., Gauvin, L., Gough, M., Laberee, K., Lewis, P., Lord, S., Luan, H., McKay, H., Morency, C., Muhajarine, N., Nelson, T., Ottoni, C., Poirier Stephens, Z., Pugh, C., Rancourt, G., Shareck, M., Sims-Gould, J., Sones, M., Stanley, K., Thierry, B., Thigpen, C., Wasfi, R. (2019). INTERACT: A comprehensive approach to assess urban form interventions through natural experiments. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 51.
Changes in physical activity among Canadian adults more than 6 months into the COVID-19 pandemic: a secondary analysis of the INTERACT cohort study
Sturrock S, Gesink D, Winters M, Kestens Y, Stanley K, Moineddin R, Woodruff S, Fuller D. Changes in physical activity among Canadian adults more than 6 months into the COVID-19 pandemic: a secondary analysis of the INTERACT cohort study. BMJ Open. 2024 Sep 20;14(9):e081583. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-081583. PMID: 39306345; PMCID: PMC11418477.
Local Access to Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Saskatoon, SK: An Equity Assessment
Pandey U N, Bell S, Diab E, Fuller D, & Poirier Stephens, Z. (2023). Local Access to Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Saskatoon, SK: An Equity Assessment. Spatial Knowledge & Information,
Are they really interested but concerned? A mixed methods exploration of the Geller bicyclist typology
Hosford, K., Laberee, K., Fuller, D., Kestens, Y., & Winters, M. (2020). Are they really interested but concerned? A mixed methods exploration of the Geller bicyclist typology. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 75, 26–36.
“They didn't have to build that much”: A qualitative study on the emotional response to urban change in the Montreal context
Karmann, J. Najjar M., Ottoni, C.A., Shareck, M., Lord, S., Winters, M., Fuller, D., Kestens, Y. (2023). “They didn’t have to build that much”: A qualitative study on the emotional response to urban change in the Montreal context. Emotion, Space and Society, Volume 46,
Wave 1 results of the INTerventions, Research, and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT) cohort study: Examining spatio-temporal measures for urban environments and health
Fuller, D., Bell, S., Firth, C. L., Muhajarine, N., Nelson, T., Stanley, K., Sones, M., Smith, J., Thierry, B., Laberee, K., Stephens, Z. P., Phillips, K., Kestens, Y., & Winters, M. (2021). Wave 1 results of the INTerventions, Research, and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT) cohort study: Examining spatio-temporal measures for urban environments and health. Health & Place, 102646.
Correlation of Public Transit Accessibility Measures with Actual Ridership
Bree S, Diab E, Bell S. Correlation of Public Transit Accessibility Measures with Actual Ridership. Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada. 2019; 7(5), 2.
Situating social connectedness in healthy cities: a conceptual primer for research and policy
Sones, M., Firth, C. L., Fuller, D., Holden, M., Kestens, Y., & Winters, M. (2021). Situating social connectedness in healthy cities: a conceptual primer for research and policy. Cities & Health 1–14.
Safety perceptions of older adults on an urban greenway: Interplay of the social and built environment.
Ottoni, C. A., Sims-Gould, J., & Winters, M. (2021). Safety perceptions of older adults on an urban greenway: Interplay of the social and built environment. Health & Place, 70, 102605.
Access to transit? Validating local transit accessibility measures using transit ridership.
Bree, S., Fuller, D., & Diab, E. (2020). Access to transit? Validating local transit accessibility measures using transit ridership. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 141, 430–442.
Implementing urban change
Practices and inspiration for sustainable transportation equity: Case studies from Canadian cities
Williams T, Sones M, Poirier Stephens Z, Fischer J, Barr V, Winters M. Practices and inspiration for sustainable transportation equity: Case studies from Canadian cities. Interventions, Equity, Research, and Action in Cities Team. 2023.
Imagining and implementing healthy city interventions: Combined results from parallel concept mapping exercises in Montreal with community members and stakeholders
Stephens, Z.P., Firth, C.L., Cantinotti, M. et al. Imagining and implementing healthy city interventions: Combined results from parallel concept mapping exercises in Montreal with community members and stakeholders. Can J Public Health 115, 599–610 (2024).
Municipal Equity Policies: Takeaways for planners
Tessa Williams and Victoria Barr. Municipal Equity Policies: Takeways for Planners. (2023). Plan Canada, Winter 2022.
Successes and failures of built environment interventions: using concept mapping to assess stakeholder perspectives in four Canadian cities.
Firth, C. L., Stephens, Z. P., Cantinotti, M., Fuller, D., Kestens, Y., & Winters, M. (2021). Successes and failures of built environment interventions: Using concept mapping to assess stakeholder perspectives in four Canadian cities. Social Science & Medicine, 268, 113383.
Canadian transit agencies response to COVID-19: Understanding strategies, information accessibility and the use of social media
Diaz F, Abbasi S J, Fuller D, Diab E. (2021). Canadian transit agencies response to COVID-19: Understanding strategies, information accessibility and the use of social media, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 12,
The temporal sequence between gentrification and cycling infrastructure expansions in Montreal, Canada
Kiani B, Mamiya H, Thierry B, Firth C, Fuller D, Winters M, Kestens Y. (2023). The temporal sequence between gentrification and cycling infrastructure expansions in Montreal, Canada. Habitat International, Volume 139, September 2023,
Gentrification, Urban Interventions and Equity (GENUINE): A map-based gentrification tool for Canadian metropolitan areas
Firth, C. L., Thierry, B., Fuller, D., Winters, M., & Kestens, Y. (2021). Health Reports Gentrification, Urban Interventions and Equity (GENUINE): A map-based gentrification tool for Canadian metropolitan areas.
Gentrification, perceptions of neighborhood change, and mental health in Montréal, Québec
Youngbloom, A.,Thierry, B., Fuller, D., Kestens, Y., Winters, M., Hirsch, J.A., Michael, Y. L., Firth, C. (2023). Gentrification, perceptions of neighborhood change, and mental health in Montréal, Québec. SSM – Population Health, Volume 22, 2023,101406,
Gentrification, neighborhood socioeconomic factors and urban vegetation inequities: A study of greenspace and tree canopy increases in Montreal, Canada
Kiani B, Thierry B, Fuller D, Firth C, Winters M, Kestens Y. (2023). Gentrification, neighborhood socioeconomic factors and urban vegetation inequities: A study of greenspace and tree canopy increases in Montreal, Canada. Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 240, December 2023,
Causally speaking: Challenges in measuring gentrification for population health research in the United States and Canada
Firth, C. L., Fuller, D., Wasfi, R., Kestens, Y., & Winters, M. (2020). Causally speaking: Challenges in measuring gentrification for population health research in the United States and Canada. Health and Place, 63, 102350.
Methodological advancements
Comparing Location Data From Smartphone and Dedicated Global Positioning System Devices: Implications for Epidemiologic Research
Thierry B, Stanley K, Kestens Y, Winters M, Fuller D. (2024). Comparing location data from smartphone and dedicated GPS devices: Implications for epidemiological research. American Journal of Epidemiology. Volume 193, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 180–192,
Classifying transportation mode from Global Positioning Systems and accelerometer data: A machine learning approach
Roy, A., Fuller, D., Stanley, K., & Nelson, T. (2020). Classifying Transport Mode from Global Positioning Systems and Accelerometer Data: A Machine Learning Approach. Findings, 1–8.
Differentiating Population Spatial Behaviour Using Representative Features of Geospatial Mobility (ReFGeM)
Zhang, R., Stanley, K. G., Fuller, D., & Bell, S. (2020). Differentiating population spatial behavior using representative features of geospatial mobility (REFGEM). ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, 6(1), 1–25.
A Feature Set for Spatial Behavior Characterization
Zhang, R., Stanley, K. G., Bell, S., & Fuller, D. (2018). A feature set for spatial behavior characterization. Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems – SIGSPATIAL ’18, 512–515.
A theory-based model of cumulative activity
Phillips K, Stanley K & Fuller D. (2022). A theory-based model of cumulative activity. Sci Rep 12, 15635.
Converting Raw Accelerometer Data to Activity Counts Using Open-Source Code: Implementing a MATLAB Code in Python and R, and Comparing the Results to ActiLife
Brondeel, R., Kestens, Y., Rahimipour Anaraki, J., Stanley, K., Thierry, B., & Fuller, D. (2021). Converting Raw Accelerometer Data to Activity Counts Using Open-Source Code: Implementing a MATLAB Code in Python and R, and Comparing the Results to ActiLife, Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 4(3), 205-211.
Recruiting Participants for Population Health Intervention Research: Effectiveness and Costs of Recruitment Methods for the INTErventions, Research, and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT) study
Wasfi R, Poirier Stephens Z, Sones M, Laberee K, Gough M, Pugh C, Fuller D, Winters M & Kestens Y. (2021). Recruiting Participants for Population Health Intervention Research: Effectiveness and Costs of Recruitment Methods for the INTErventions, Research, and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT) study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2021 Nov 12;23(11):e21142.
Using combined Global Position System and accelerometer data points to examine how built environments and gentrification are associated with physical activity in four Canadian cities
Firth C L, Kestens Y, Winters M, Stanley K, Bell S, Thierry B, Phillips K, Poirier Stephens Z & Fuller D. (2022). Using combined Global Position System and accelerometer data points to examine how built environments and gentrification are associated with physical activity in four Canadian cities. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 19, 78.