
We have four openings for post-doctoral fellows on the team. This project is part of the INTErventions, Research and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT) which is a CIHR-funded initiative that brings together research teams across Canada and knowledge users from cities, public health agencies, and local NGOs. The INTERACT initiative aims to evaluate major urban interventions in Victoria, Vancouver, Saskatoon, and Montreal in terms of the impact on population health and health inequalities. As part of a pan-Canadian research team, the post-doctoral fellows will play a key role leading analysis. Please see the full position descriptions below. 

INTERACT: Qualitative Methods for Healthy Cities

INTERACT: Epidemiology, Data Science, and Geography

INTERACT: Gentrification and Health

Join the analysis team!


Not quite ready for a post-doc? INTERACT is recruiting graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to lead analysis and write scientific articles on the impacts of urban form interventions on mobility patterns, equity, and health in Canada.