

The INTerventions, Equity, Research and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT) is a CIHR-funded research program evaluating the impact of major urban interventions in four Canadian cities (Victoria, Vancouver, Saskatoon, and Montreal) on population health and health inequalities. One of our main objectives is to describe how health and equity are considered in the design of built environment interventions. We are recruiting students to join us in investigating how policy and implementation decisions are made with respect to built environment interventions, and whether/how health and equity are considered. This aspect of the research is led by Meghan Winters (SFU), Marie-Christine Therrien (ÉNAP), and Kevin Manaugh (McGill).

INTERACT is seeking graduate students to assist with 1) analyzing key policy documents in four Canadian cities and 2) conducting interviews with municipal stakeholders on policy development. The student will be expected to contribute to a manuscript detailing the findings of their work.

A post-doctoral fellow would also be welcome for this role. In this case, he or she would play a greater role in directing research activities and receive support from students in carrying out the tasks described below.

Specifically, we are recruiting a student for the following activities:

  • Policy Document Analysis to identify language related to health and equity. In each city, we will include recent and historically relevant policies and plans concerning transportation, sustainability, and healthy cities. After initial review of policy documents, the student will develop a policy code book specific for each city.
  • Key informant interviews to evaluate how and why decisions around the built environment interventions were made, and who was considered in these decisions. In each city, the student will interview 5-8 intersectoral participants (e.g. city staff, elected officials, advocates). They will contribute to the preparation of a semi-structured interview guide.
  • Summary reports to city partners to share findings from analysis: the student will contribute to the production of lay material for stakeholders.


  • Self-directed graduate student in research-related field (MSc, MUrb, or MPH is preferred).
  • Awareness and interest in policy
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills, including ability to adopt clear language
  • Ability to scan scientific literature and write concise, action oriented findings on a specific topic
  • Ability to work in collaboration with others
  • Bilingual in French and English preferred
  • Experience conducting interviews an asset


Working Conditions

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the successful candidate will work remotely, until on-site options are authorized by the university. The supervisor will ensure proper access the necessary computer infrastructure.


This trainee position is for a duration of 3-6 months, with possibility of an extension, for about 10-15h a week.


Bursary will be available for work on expected deliverables.

Start date

As soon as a qualified applicant is selected

How to apply

Please submit a CV and cover letter to national@teaminteract.ca before October 22nd, with “INTERACT Trainee- Public Policy ” as the object. We will communicate with candidates after that the closing date.