Sarah Bree S, Ehab Diab E, Scott Bell
Transit accessibility measures are important tools used by planners to understand the effects of changes to the public transit system. However, it is not clear how existing accessibility measures (models) described in the literature correlate with actual public transit ridership data. Public transit systems vary dramatically according to the regions they serve, and no single model has been identified that accurately measures accessibility across the spectrum. This paper evaluates several transit system accessibility models by correlating the accessibility metric they produce with actual ridership data, using the City of Saskatoon as a case study. The results show that frequency based models result in higher correlation than coverage based models and a distance decay function based on the distance from demand location to service location further increases the correlation. This paper provides transportation planners a better understanding of the correlation between different transit accessibility measures and actual transit ridership.
Bree S, Diab E, Bell S. Correlation of Public Transit Accessibility Measures with Actual Ridership. Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada. 2019; 7(5), 2. Retrieved at: