Stakeholder Reports
Montreal 2021: Report to stakeholders
From October 2019 to January 2020, the team conducted 32 qualitative interviews with INTERACT participants in the Montreal area, to better understand how and why city changes can effect our health and well-being. This report descroibes themes of interest and presents a content analysis to paint a portrait of the experiences of urban change experienced by the participants, in relation to their neighborhood – and more generally the city before the pandemic.
Montreal 2019: Report to Stakeholders
As part of the Plan Montreal durable 2016-2021, the City, along with about 230 partner organizations, will implement interventions that aim to improve the urban environment. INTERACT is interested in the impact of these interventions, including traffic calming measures, changes in transport infrastructure and greening programs. How can these changes in our neighborhoods have an impact on our health at a larger scale?
This report summarizes the results of wave 1 of the INTERACT cohort in the Montreal area. Find out what people think of the changes happening in their neighborhood.
Saskatoon 2019: Report to Stakeholders
As part of the “Plan for Growth”, the City of Saskatoon is implementing the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. INTERACT has developed a five-year study to measure the impact of the implementation of the BRT on physical activity, social participation and well-being. What do people think of the new transit plans? What impact do they expect it will have on the city?
The Saskatoon team has compiled some key reuslts about mobility and transit in the city. See how people in Saskatoon get around, and learn more about the factors that would make them travel by bus more often in the wave 1 data report.
Vancouver 2019: Report to Stakeholders
INTERACT and the Active Aging Research Team are leading an ongoing study on how the development of Vancouver’s Arbutus Greenway is impacting physical activity, social participation, and well-being of nearby residents, and whether these impacts are felt equally across different socioeconomic groups.
Here, we focus on who is using the Greenway, and the experiences of older adults (aged 65+ years). Find out what they thought of the Greenway, and how they plan to use it in the future.
Victoria - Wave 1: Report to Stakeholders
INTERACT has launched a five-year study to uncover how the implementation of the All Ages & Abilities (AAA) Bicycle Network is impacting physical activity, social participation, and well-being. In 2017, we recruited over 300 adults who bicycle at least once per month in the City of Victoria.
Here, we focus on findings from the qualitative arm of our study, where we interviewed 25 participants who live in the City of Victoria. Three main themes arose from our interviews about how community design impacts health: neighbourhood attachment, social connectivity, and well-being.